Weekend Dreaming

Weekend Dreaming

Weekend dreaming of wandering amongst the Summer lavender fields with us at Sault.

Counting down the days until we can welcome back our Metro Melbourne and interstate guests.

With love always,

The Sault team

Film by the amazing eatortreat

Lavender field now in bloom

This Lavender field is our gift for those who dine with us at Sault and would like to have a wander here before dinner at sunset or after lunch.

Photo shoots by appointment please call (+613)-5348-6555 to book in.

Shot by Jarrod Andrews

Beautiful Lavender field shot by Jarrod Andrews (JROD Captures) at Sault Restaurant Daylesford

Beautiful Lavender field shot by Jarrod Andrews (JROD Captures) at Sault Restaurant Daylesford

Latest Artwork from James Robertson

Some stunning artworks by our Artist in Residence James Robertson. If you’re interested in purchasing some of James’ artwork, call Jodi on (03)-5348-6555 or email us.

Max & Lilly’s Seeds

We are very proud at Sault to be sharing our garden seed with the kids who dine at Sault.

The idea stemmed from the Coles Stikeez, our kids Max and Lilly started to collect them and this then sparked a conversation about where they would eventually end up, in landfill in the ground.

Our kids then chatted and suggested that seeds would be a great option and this way we would be looking after the soil and the planet. We decided we could make a change by harvesting the seeds at Sault from our kitchen garden and then Max and Lilly would illustrate the paper seed packets and pass these on to the children who dine at Sault.

You only need a pot on a window or a small patch of soil and then kids can see them grow.

We hope this ripple effect will be a project that other restaurants across Australian can be part of.

We are so thrilled to have the support of Liz Lyons a lady we admire deeply for her tenacity in preservation @breakfastinmelbourne

It is part of our mission now at Sault to lesson our carbon footprint and really look after this amazing planet.

Have a beautiful day!

From Max and Lilly